More organisations are joining in to support the
' Anti-Coal Powered Generation Protest '. The latest is the Sabah Women's Association ( SAWO ).
And it seems from feedback, more NGOs and individuals are convinced that Solar Power is the best alternative. Sabah is a land of plentiful sunshine. So it is an appropriate step if this source were to be used. Instead of coal which will create pollution and cause fatal toxic effect on human beings and the environment.
Portion of the statements below were taken from the BBC News of 20.11.2009 entitled
' Solar power technology takes its next step ' Its website address is Maybe this approach as mentioned below could be used in order to prevent massive destruction of salt water biodiversity ( which took million of years to evolve ), flora and fauna including climate change.
The question that Coal Powered Generator is the only way does not hold water because the BBC article as shown here proves that Solar power is the best choice.
The authority concerned should therefore switch from Coal to Solar for its Power Plant Programme in Sabah due to the evidence given technical or otherwise by NGOs and interested parties.
This Spanish solar farm uses the heat from mirrors to create electricity Heat power
' Just outside Seville, hundreds of mirrors track the sun as it crosses the sky and reflect their beams to a single point at the top of a tower.
This Spanish solar farm uses the heat from mirrors to create electricity The intense heat is used to boil water and
create steam to power a turbine - which creates electricity.
Engineer Valerio Fernandez, at Abengoa which runs the solar farm, says the resulting heat is the equivalent of 4,000 times the power of direct sunlight.
"With this amount of energy we can generates very high temperatures, about 2,000 degrees Celsius," he said..................'