Monday, May 4, 2009


Telescoping and telescope have two things in common. They both are used for observing. One is its action while the other is its instrument. So this blog is to serve that purpose of viewing the human species in their enviroments. Politically,economically, socially and culturally including their physical and spiritual development etc..

You, out there are welcome to make your comments and suggestion on any issues that would appear here. But make them in a decent and professional manner. In short, in a civilised way. Making possible to agree and disagree without the necessity of using violent and abusive language in putting across our ideas.

As this is my first posting, I would end here. Hopefully in the days to come, I would be doing a lot more telescoping. And thus be able to tell you, what is happening on planet earth?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Adrian
    Well done and congratulations on sucessful setting of your own blog. All the articles very well written too.

    Keep it up.
