There is no turning back, decision has been made to make English a compulsory pass in school examinations. Now is to find the best means to make the teaching of it most effective. How? Go online and this would solve the shortage of qualified English teachers. This is the easiest and the most sensible approach. It is indeed fortunate that Malaysia is wired(it has computer friendly system available to all areas of the country including rural places), thus making online communication effortless.
Next, get all the best English teachers, retired English teachers and also good English speakers to be a part of the working national council on the study of English in Malaysia and its implemenation which shall be established by the government. They will discuss in depth the problems faced by non-English speaking students( good idea to get feedback from students themselves). Come out with a plan on how this could be tackled plus books graded for the different classes. English grammar would be the most important component of the language and must be given the greatest attention.
For herein lies the weakness of most Malaysians when speaking or writing English. Grammar wrongly applied could give an inaccurate meaning from what was actually intended by the speaker or writer. To be properly heard or read, the grammatical form must be correct. English is a language that has to be studied beginning from the youngest age possible starting from the level of playschool. And this should be made compulsory too.
Anticipating strong objection from certain quarters, the government must have a continuous programme of campaigns to neutralise these negative effects. Like having ' English Language Month ' annually. And durng this month long period, story telling, writing, poetry reading(writing) and debates, etc. contests will be organised in schools, districts, states upwards to the national level. These are to help Malaysians focussed on the importance of the English language.
To further assist the above-mentioned measures, government must put up posters and billboards across the nation containing positive and motivating slogans pertaining to English being an asset to Malaysia. In this connection, slogan writing competition should be held to enable creative Malaysians to participate. Another important step is, for the government to hold a nationwide roadshow down to the village level explaining and clarifying why English is essential for the country.
When Bahasa Malaysia was implemented to be the National Language of the country instead of English, similar actions were taken. It helped greatly. And people came to accept the language.
Lest we forget, this issue is very important to Malaysia, to Malaysians and to you and me because it does not only concern the very survival and prosperity of our nation but also the survival and prosperity of each and everyone of us.
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