Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Man Has No Nature, What He Has Is History - Ortega Gasset, Spanish Philosopher

A quotation taken from Azly Rahman's article of 8 March 2010 which appeared in his blog,

I am in total agreement with you  'Man has no nature, what he has is history' as quoted by Ortega Gasset, the Spanish Philosoper. Specifically referring to race. Race can be whatever is appropriate as seen in the eye of a leader. It could be used as a political instrument to preserve power. And this has been proven in the past and also in the present.

Man is an adaptable being. He can change to suit his position in order to survive. This is a primeval instinct. In the modern context, it should not be encouraged especially in  countries whose population are multi-racial. So by nature, human can plan his action to benefit himself or his group. And it is something flexible, determined by the environments.

Nature in all individuals is an attribute which is personal and intangible. So much so, only when such action is recorded, it becomes history. History is therefore the act of man. And it will be the indicator of where a nation has failed. Past events has shown that certain political philosophy is contradictory to human nature. Thus Democracy came into being because it answers the basic need of man for freedom and equality in all fields of human endeavour.

A country should not be afraid of multiracialism. It should consider it as a melting pot  to obtain the best from every race, its culture and heritage. Americans has proved that this is possible and Barack Obama, the first Black President is the living example.

So a nation should consider that it is fortunate in having so many different races as her citizens as this will enable it to draw the various intellectual resources required in building a strong and stable country - Malaysia.

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