Monday, December 14, 2009

Nazri's Criticism Of Dr. Mahathir - Considered As Fair Comment

Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz

The statements that Nazri made against Dr. Mahathir can be considered as fair comment. Although critical, it is referring only to action done by Dr Mahathir and not on his person. It is not character assasination. In fact it
is putting Mahathir's policy and philosophy when he was the leader of the government and UMNO respectively under the microscope.

And Nazri has put it rightly that there are defects in what Dr Mahathir espoused now and then. For example, during Mahathir's time, all Barisan parties and politicians have to toe the line. So there is very little criticism on wrong doings. Everything is suppressed. And on the surface it looks good. Underneath, it's simmering and waiting to explode.

The first principle a leader must learnt, he is not above the law. Whenever a leader act with this in mind, he is applying a voluntary self discipline so as not to break the laws of the country including those connected with morality. A leader's legacy is judged by its consistency. In other words, there shouldn't be any difference in what he believes. It should be the same for today, yesterday and tomorrow. There is no wavering.

When a leader is inconsistent, there is a danger that decisions, he made may be emotional rather than rational or realistic. Nazri has correctly pointed out that leaders are human. They are not divine. Criticisms are part and parcel of a politician life. They must be accepted as a form of feedback and changes be made accordingly to rectify the defect whether spiritual or physical. And that is the challenge every politician must face.

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