Friday, April 9, 2010

Melting All Races In A Pot

A response to Dr. Azly Rahman's posting ' From perkasa to pekasam -- with bonus Bob Dylan song and Mongolian music ' ,

Why 1Malaysia/Bangsa Malaysia? Because all races in this country can identify with it. Therefore a common identity.

What does this phrase ' melting pot ' mean? A pot where all ingredients can be put in, like beef, potato, carrot, chilly tomato, pepper, salt etc..

The purpose is to mix and cook all these. And what would come out from this mixing is a pleasant and tasty dish.

From this analogy, the creation of this nation should be done along the same line. The mixing process is the uniting of all races to create a national identity 1Malaysia/Bangsa Malaysia.

This country is a melting pot of all races, Malay, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan/Dusun/Murut, Bajau, Brunei, Iban, Melanau, Bidayuh etc. and why should not these races be combined to produce a common nationality.

Is it wrong to do so? Why must the unity of races be politicised? Shouldn't it be considered a civil development. And to be out of bounds for both the Ruling and Opposition Political Parties.Let it be a people and citizen oriented movement Therefore no race should be afraid of being overwhelmed by another. Afterall, it is only an exercise in human relations.

That is so. But it is the basis of how unity is created in a nation.

A high mountain can slide down and crash if its base is faulty.

In the same manner when organisations like Perkasa create a sense of fear in Malays that the other races would bully and financially take advantage over them. It is like saying that Malays are weak people and can be easily influenced

This line of argument is wrong and insulting to Malays especially their dignity, ' maruah '. After forty seven years of independence, a big Malay intelligentsia has been created whose intellectual capacity are as good as the Chinese or Indians.

Or even better. And can easily compete in a level playing field. So what is Perkasa talking about, protecting the rights of Malays and so forth !

The educated Malays know their rights. If Perkasa have to teach them these. Then Perkasa is telling them that their qualifications as educated people are questionable.

It is tantamount to Perkasa questioning their dignity, ' maruah ' as Malays who are knowledgeable. Usually,intelligent persons do not need an organisation to potect what are rightfully theirs. They know what they are?

Perkasa is therefore irrelevant to modern Malays who are more outgoing and global. While Perkasa wants to teach the ' katak dalam tempurung dan sentiasa terancham ' philosophy.

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